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Return To ShopPrinciples Of Flight( Aerodynamics) (Capt. Shahzeb Khan) -One to One Class
Time Period: ( 2 months)

Capt. Shahzeb Khan
Capt. Shahzeb is a certified Ground School and Flight Instructor. He got the right expertise to guide you for all your aviation necessities. His 2000 hours of flight experience include the following aircrafts: C 152, C162, C172, PIPER CHEROKEE, Da-42 rated with G1000 glass cockpit RNP approaches equipped and autopilot w.r.t FMS. He is delighted to convey his knowledge and experience to you and would love the prospect of assisting you to reach your aviation goals.
Lesson Topics
1 | Class introduction & subject introduction & atmosphere |
2 | Revision of physics (Work & Power, Heat & Temperature, Gas laws, Laws of Motion. ) |
3 | Introduction to Aerodynamics (Fluid, Mass, weight, Force, Centre of gravity, Density, Pressure, Speed, Velocity, Acceleration, Centripetal force, Centrifugal Force. ) |
4 | Fundamentals of Aerodynamics ( Gas laws, Density effect on pressure, temperature, altitude & humidity ) ( Bernoulli’s theorem, aircraft axis & its movement ). |
5 | Lift |
6 | Types of Airflows on surface ( Upwash, Downwash, Aspect ratio, Concave & convex surface, Relative wind, RAF, positive & Negative pressure, AOA, CP definition, Airspeeds) |
7 | Lift ( Definition, Factor ) |
8 | Lift Formula |
9 | Stalling |
10 | Lift augmentation devices ( slots, slats, effect of camber, effect of flaps ) |
11 | Icing ( Aerodynamic effect )( Effect of frost, Effect of icing ) |
12 | Drag |
13 | Continue Drag |
14 | Drag formula & drag curve |
15 | CP |
16 | CG |
17 | Four forces effecting an aircraft ( discussion ) |
18 | Revision |
19 | Quiz # 1 |
20 | Stability ( Positive, Negative, Neutral ) |
21 | Study about speeds ( sub, trans & supersonic ) |
22 | ( Drag wave ) |
23 | Prop structure types ) |
24 | Prop theory Helix angle, |
25 | AOA of prop in different configuration |
26 | Revision |
27 | Quiz # 2. |