Principles Of Flight( Aerodynamics) (Capt. Muhammad Ahmed ) -Group Class

Principles Of Flight( Aerodynamics) (Capt. Muhammad Ahmed ) -Group Class



Time Period: ( 2 months)


Capt. Muhammad Ahmed

Capt. Muhammad Ahmad is a resourceful Pilot with Commercial Pilot and Instrument Rating qualifications and vast experience as an instructor. He is remarkably adept in Mathematics, and he’s continuing his degree in ACCA. He will be teaching mass and balance at Airman’sGround.

Lesson Topics

1Class introduction & subject introduction & atmosphere
2Revision of physics (Work & Power, Heat & Temperature, Gas laws, Laws of Motion. )
3Introduction to Aerodynamics (Fluid, Mass, weight, Force, Centre of gravity, Density, Pressure, Speed, Velocity, Acceleration, Centripetal force, Centrifugal Force. )
4Fundamentals of Aerodynamics ( Gas laws, Density effect on pressure, temperature, altitude & humidity ) ( Bernoulli’s theorem, aircraft axis & its movement ).
6Types of Airflows on surface ( Upwash, Downwash, Aspect ratio, Concave & convex surface, Relative wind, RAF, positive & Negative pressure, AOA, CP definition, Airspeeds)
7Lift ( Definition, Factor )
8Lift Formula
10Lift augmentation devices ( slots, slats, effect of camber, effect of flaps )
11Icing ( Aerodynamic effect )( Effect of frost, Effect of icing )
13Continue Drag
14Drag formula & drag curve
17Four forces effecting an aircraft ( discussion )
19Quiz # 1
20Stability ( Positive, Negative, Neutral )
21Study about speeds ( sub, trans & supersonic )
22( Drag wave )
23 Prop structure types )
24Prop theory Helix angle,
25 AOA of prop in different configuration
27Quiz # 2.