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Return To ShopAir law (Capt. Michael Boutros Esq) -one to one
Time Period: ( 2.5 months)

Capt. Ijaz Tufail
Capt. Ijaz Tufail is an estimable aviator with exemplary skills. He obtained his Commercial Pilot License and completed his Flight Instructor Training Course. He has worked as a Flight instructor and Course Coordinator. He will make your learning fascinating by adopting an intuitive approach to understanding concepts and problems.
Lesson Topics
Lecture 1 | Introduction to Air law |
Lecture 2 | History ,Intro to SARPS Aims and constituents of ICAO Regional offices |
Lecture 3 | SARPS in further detail Annexes Freedoms of the air Convention of Warsaw, Tokyo, Hague, Montreal and Geneva Authority of the commander Leasing |
Lecture 4 | Viva for Lecture 1 &2 Different licenses, Ratings and their privileges Class 1 and class 2 Medical Certificates Temporary suspension of privileges |
Lecture 5 | Intro to the Rules of the Air |
Lecture 6 | Controlled and uncontrolled Airspaces Pilot in command VFR&IFR Semi Circular rule VMC and IMC Instrument Flight Rules Transition Altitude and Flight Level Avoidance of Collision Right OF Ways Aircraft Lights Communication Failures Aerodrome Signals |
Lecture 7 | Quiz for all the previously delivered Lectures |
Lecture 8 | Runway Visual Range (RVR) Aircraft Approach Categories Precision & Non-Precision Approach Decision Height/Altitude ILS Categories 5 segments of Instrument Approach Parallel Runway Operations Transponders Radar Controlled Approach |
Lecture 9 | Air Traffic Services (ATS) |
Lecture 10 | Flight Information Region (FIR) Control Areas (CTA) & Control Zones (CTR) Classification of Airspace Required Navigation Performance (RNP) Air Traffic Control Service Types Of Separations VSM & RVSM Alerting Service and its phases Notification Information Time |
Lecture 11 | Quiz for all the previous Lectures |
Lecture 12 | Flight Plans Repetitive Flight Plans Altering the Flight Plan Position Reports Routine Air Reports (AIREPS) Special Air Reports (AIREPS) Air Traffic Incident Report (AIRPROX) |
Lecture 13 | |
Lecture 14 | Minimum Sector Altitude (MSA) Assignment Of Cruising Levels Time Based Longitudinal Separation Radar Based Longitudinal Separation DME Air Traffic Control Clearances Communication Failure In VMC & IMC Transmitting Blind Wake Turbulence Separation Radar Vectoring AIS Pre-Flight & Post-Flight Information Aerodromes Stopways & Clearways Runway Contaminations Braking Action Runway Markings |
Lecture 15 | |
Lecture 16 | Aerodrome Lighting System Runway Lights Taxiway Lights Approach Lights Aerodrome Signs Aerodrome Obstacles Aircraft Refueling |
Lecture 17 | FINAL QUIZ ! |