Air law (Capt. Michael Boutros Esq) -Group

Air law (Capt. Michael Boutros Esq) -Group



Time Period: ( 2.5 months)

Capt. Ijaz Tufail

Capt. Ijaz Tufail is an estimable aviator with exemplary skills. He obtained his Commercial Pilot License and completed his Flight Instructor Training Course. He has worked as a Flight instructor and Course Coordinator. He will make your learning fascinating by adopting an intuitive approach to understanding concepts and problems.

Lesson Topics

Lecture 1Introduction to Air law
Lecture 2History ,Intro to SARPS
Aims and constituents of ICAO
Regional offices
Lecture 3SARPS in further detail
Freedoms of the air
Convention of Warsaw, Tokyo, Hague, Montreal and Geneva
Authority of the commander
Lecture 4Viva for Lecture 1 &2
Different licenses, Ratings and their privileges
Class 1 and class 2 Medical Certificates
Temporary suspension of privileges
Lecture 5Intro to the Rules of the Air
Lecture 6Controlled and uncontrolled Airspaces
Pilot in command
Semi Circular rule
Instrument Flight Rules
Transition Altitude and Flight Level
Avoidance of Collision
Right OF Ways
Aircraft Lights
Communication Failures
Aerodrome Signals
Lecture 7Quiz for all the previously delivered Lectures
Lecture 8Runway Visual Range (RVR)
Aircraft Approach Categories
Precision & Non-Precision Approach
Decision Height/Altitude
ILS Categories
5 segments of Instrument Approach
Parallel Runway Operations
Radar Controlled Approach
Lecture 9Air Traffic Services (ATS)
Lecture 10Flight Information Region (FIR)
Control Areas (CTA) & Control Zones (CTR)
Classification of Airspace
Required Navigation Performance (RNP)
Air Traffic Control Service
Types Of Separations
Alerting Service and its phases
Notification Information
Lecture 11Quiz for all the previous Lectures
Lecture 12Flight Plans
Repetitive Flight Plans
Altering the Flight Plan
Position Reports
Routine Air Reports (AIREPS)
Special Air Reports (AIREPS)
Air Traffic Incident Report (AIRPROX)
Lecture 13
Lecture 14Minimum Sector Altitude (MSA)
Assignment Of Cruising Levels
Time Based Longitudinal Separation
Radar Based Longitudinal Separation
Air Traffic Control Clearances
Communication Failure In VMC & IMC
Transmitting Blind
Wake Turbulence Separation
Radar Vectoring
Pre-Flight & Post-Flight Information
Stopways & Clearways
Runway Contaminations
Braking Action
Runway Markings
Lecture 15
Lecture 16Aerodrome Lighting System
Runway Lights
Taxiway Lights
Approach Lights
Aerodrome Signs
Aerodrome Obstacles
Aircraft Refueling
Lecture 17FINAL QUIZ !