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Return To ShopPrinciples of Flight(Capt. Ali Alam)-One to One
Time Period: ( 60 Days)

Capt. Anas Ali
Syed Anas Ali Shah is a very passionate aviator and believes in polishing and nurturing upcoming talent in the field of aviation. He obtained his degree in computer sciences in 2016 from Mohammed Ali Jinnah University. He obtained his EASA CPL with frozen ATPL in 2019 from greece alongside multi engine and instrument ratings. He has has acquired MCC & JOC certifications. He has real world experience and knowledge of flying Diamond DV 20, DA 40NG and DA 42.
Lesson Topics
Day 1: 1. Introduction to PoF / Class 2. Revision of physics (Gas laws, Laws of Motion, Density, Mass, SI units) Day 2: 3. Air, Atmosphere & Airspeed 4. Air Flow (Bernoulli’s Theorem, Equation of continuity, etc.) Day 3: 5. Introduction to Lift Day 4: 6. Introduction to Drag Day 5 & 6: 7. Whole Aircraft Drag (Types of Drag, Modifications to reduce drag) Day 7 & 8: 8. Total Drag and Drag Polar (CDP) Day 9: 9. Airplane Axes & the wing (Terms & Definitions) 10. Aerofoil Pressure Distribution (Airflow Speed, AoA, Camber, Aerodynamic Force Coefficient) Day 10 & 11: 11. Aerodynamic Force (Creation, 2D Flow, Aerofoil) 12. 3D Flow Day 12: 13. Stalls and stall warning and protection Day 13: 14. Lift Augmentation (Types of flaps, slats, vortex generators) Day 14: 15. Spins 16. Ground effect Day 15 & 16: 17. Control (Mass Balancing, Trimming, Primary controls) Day 17 & 18: 18. Level Flight & Climb Day 19 & 20: 19. Descending & Gliding Day 21 & 22: 20. Turning Day 22 & 23: 21. Stability & Control (Static/ Dynamic, Positive, Negative, Neutral) Day 24 & 25: 22. Longitudinal Stability Day 26 & 27: 23. Directional & Lateral Stability Day 28 & 29: 24. Propellers Day 30 & 31: 25. Propeller Design & Effects Day 32 & 33: 26. Asymmetric Flight Day 34 & 35: 27. Principles Of High-Speed Flight Day 36 & 37: 28. Flight at High Altitude and High Mach Number Day 38, 39 & 40: 29. Supersonic Flight Day 41: 30. Airframe Contamination (Ice, Rain, Frost, Snow) Day 42: 31. Limitations |